tuesday's Together Sewing cIRCLE

We meet each Tuesday morning at 9:30am  in the church Social Hall and work until 1130.  Now with the COVID we go home for lunch.  We use donated materials that are given to us and we try to lay it out into lap blankets.  We then donate the lap blankets to homes and other places.  We also add a prayer to each one.  Come join us--just walk in--we would love to meet you and work together. 

More information just call the Church Office (707)448-5055

New focus

New Focus Ministry has been in existence at CPC for 23 years.  It is designed to facilitate people in learning how to manage their finances and use a budget to become more financially stable.  We work closely with Opportunity House and quite a few of our members have transitioned from homelessness to self-sufficiency.  We have helped hundreds of people learn to live independently, with support from their coaches.  Most members are single parents who are dedicated to making their lives better for themselves and their family.

We rely on a group of volunteers (coaches, directors, childcare providers) who have a passion for helping our members.  We typically meet on Thursday nights at church, but during the pandemic New Focus continues to meet through weekly Zoom meetings.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or want to be part of this ministry.

Tony Boltz, Judy Schneider, Rick Smith

New Focus Directors

Call Church Office  707.448.5055


 Fellowship of the Ringers, Lord Thank you for this beautiful fellowship, we had many questions for this group and here is what we have to share about this ministry. The ringers started 20 years ago like this; Before there was ‘Fellowship of the Ringers’ our leader, Genele Rhoads, put together a children’s chime choir; 5 of the existing Fellowship players had children in that group.  As the kids grew up, they moved on to hand bells and since the parents were there helping the kids or filling in for absences, we became a group of parents and children which allowed us to play music with more bells. Before you know it, the kids were growing up and moving on to other interests, so we became smaller a handbell choir that played music in the key of C needing only 12 bells so that we would not need the bell tables, making us more portable….and Fellowship of the Ringers was born.  One night we played for a board and care home across the street from our director, and on a lark, decided to go over to Lollipop Lane to see if we could play on someone’s drive way…. Which we did; we played there for several years until the house was sold. That’s how it started, it grew from there; now, in addition to playing at CPC, we typically play at the downtown tree lighting, the O House gala dinner, several care facilities, individual shut ins, Epiphany Friday homeless dinner, St Mary’s toy and food distribution and the occasional flash mobbing around town, among others. The last 3 years, we have also made and donated a mini tree to the Festival of Trees.

  •        How many in the group?   Currently 8, It takes 6 of us to be able to ring 
  •         How many folks did you visit this Christmas season?   About 16…….   4 fire houses, 3 pastors, 3 fire victims, 3 shut ins, St Mary’s toy & food distribution, the winning bidder of our Festival mini tree, and the runner up who lost in a bidding war…. along with various on lookers at each place
  •          Do you guys practice regularly together?   Since we primarily play at Christmas now days, and we’ve been playing the same music for years (although we did learn 3 new pieces in the key of F this year), we begin practicing about September / October every other week for an hour and a half, then weekly in November
  •          Who would you contact if you’re interested in becoming a ringer?  Contact our director: Genele Rhoads…. email her at:  grhoads770@gmail.com
  •          Is there room for more ringers?  Yes, they would need to be able to read music, and generally commit to practices.  Then when we schedule our gigs we see who is available; we know that we have ringers who have other obligations that often conflict with our schedule, so it’s good to have flexibility with more ringers to plug in